BR 1311


AWS 5.8 B Ag-1
EN ISO 3677 B-Ag45CdZnCu 605-620
EN 1044 AG 302
DIN 8513 L-Ag 45Cd
ISO 17672:2016 Ag 345

Properties And Applications

It has wide range of use such as carbure containing tools, marble cutting steels, automotive. 

Product Features And Advantages

Even with the very low working temperature it performs high capilar ability and high mechanical strenght. Even in very little spacings it has high filling ability. Recommended to use BF 13 for every application.

Typical Chemical Features of the Welding Wire

Type of AnalysisCuZnAgCD
Welding Wire16164523

Typical Physical Analysis of the Weld Metal (%)

Working Temperature (°C)Melting Temperature (°C)Density (gr/cm³)Conductivity (Sm/mm²)

Typical Mechanical Values of Weld Metal(%)

Test ConditionTensile Strength (N/mm²)Elongation A5 (%)
As welded450 (*)30

Application Information

Welding Parameters & Efficiency :

Packaging Information

Product CodeDiameter X Length (mm)Pieces per Box (~)Weight Of The Box (kg)Boxes Per PackageWeight Of The PackagePackaging Type
80337AKA142.00x50011.011.1Carton Envelope